As I went through the graduation of first Will from college, then Sarah from high school I often thought, what just happened? Where did the time go? When did they get so old? When did I?
I have reflected many times on the chapters in my children’s lives, in our family, and in my role as a mom. And there were lots of chapters to reflect upon as I looked back at the transitions from one season to the next.
As moms and dads, we spend our days and nights pouring into, worrying over, praying for, and deeply loving our kids. We build bonds. Have arguments. Make memories. Hold broken hearts. Calm fears. We drive to playdates and practices. Prepare dinners. Plan birthday parties. Help with projects. Finish projects after they’ve fallen asleep. Make last-minute runs to Walmart and Target for the “thing” they forgot they needed today. Bake cupcakes. Pack lunches. Give driving lessons. Visit college campuses. Assist with applications. Pack boxes. Move into dorms. We do all the things…except prepare our hearts for the day they spread their wings.
The seasons of transition stretch us all and have brought new qualities and characteristics within the kids. They are discovering their talents, gifts, and skill set. Their personalities expanded and they began to find their place within a community with others.
Through all of this, I am thankful to see each of my kids become the person God created them to be and to become more like Jesus. I continue to pray for my kids from verses like Colossians 1 over them, “So we have continued to pray for you ever since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your lives, and we ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and you will continually do good, kind things for others. All the while, you will learn to know God better and better. We also pray that you will be strengthened with his glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need. May you be filled with joy.” (Col. 1:9-11).
Change is inevitable. The seasons of transition can be challenging. I am encouraged and thankful during these seasons that the new experiences my children are having as they become who God created them will be as meaningful to them to go through as it is for me to see them continually grow and change into that person.