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Thankful in the Midst of Loss

Janice S.

As followers of Christ, we have much to be thankful for even in the midst of personal loss.  There is no denying that losing a spouse is a traumatic experience.  In the midst of loss, we may be thankful that He is always there with us in our grief.  He understands our broken heart and He knows our pain.  We must remain teachable through the pain, because there are certain concepts that can only be grasped through suffering, a depth that is only reached in the deepest sorrow. 

As believers, we can be thankful that in God’s plan, death has no power.  It is not the final word.  As much as we miss our loved one, we know their final destination.  We know their forwarding address!  When Jesus rose to life after being brutally murdered on the cross, he declared victory over death not only for himself, but for all who put their faith in Him.  It is not our doing, but His. 

I am most thankful for the ultimate gift of Jesus and his sacrifice on my behalf.  As the hymn says, “Love so amazing, so divine; demands my soul, my life, my all.”


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1 Comment

Lois Finney
Nov 21, 2023

Such sweet and blessed words, Janice! Thank you!!

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