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Seek Righteousness

Psalm 34 is a beautiful song of praise and trust in God, written by David during a difficult

time in his life. While the entire Psalm is rich with meaning, we can focus on the theme

of righteousness and its connection to God's protection and blessings.


The Lord Hears the Cry of the Righteous


The psalm assures us that "the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are

attentive to their cry" (v 15). This is a powerful image of a loving God who is aware of

our struggles and hears our prayers. But what does it mean to be righteous?


In the Old Testament, righteousness is often associated with obedience to God's laws

and living in right relationship with Him. It's not about being perfect, but about striving to

live a life that is pleasing to God.


A Call to Holy Living


Psalm 34 doesn't just offer comfort; it also calls us to action. Verses 13-14 urge us to

"keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. Turn from evil and do

good; seek peace and pursue it." This is a clear call to live a life of integrity, honesty,

and compassion.


The Blessings of Righteousness


The psalm highlights the many blessings that come from living a righteous life. God

promises to deliver the righteous from trouble, to be near to the brokenhearted, and to

protect them from harm. While we may still face challenges in this life, we can have

confidence that God is with us and will ultimately vindicate those who are faithful to Him.


Finding Refuge in God


The final verse of the psalm declares, "The Lord redeems the soul of his servants; no

one who takes refuge in him will be condemned" (v 22). This is a promise of hope and

salvation for all who turn to God and seek to live a righteous life.


Reflecting on Psalm 34


As you meditate on Psalm 34, consider these questions:


* What does it mean to you to be righteous?

* Are there areas in your life where you need to turn from evil and do good?

* How can you find refuge in God during difficult times?


May this Psalm encourage you to seek righteousness and to trust in God's unwavering

love and protection.


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1 則留言

Phil Sanders
Phil Sanders

Great thoughts, Ben - especially looking at the last verse and God's beautiful redemption. What a wonderful blessing! Thanks for sharing!

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