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Psalm 139:9-10

Tim Hinton

“If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me”. NLT

In this Psalm, David is talking about how amazing it is that God knows everything about him.  He knows David’s every thought, no matter where he is.  God is present everywhere, all the time, forever.

The “wings of the morning” is a really descriptive way of talking about the morning light at daybreak.  It is similar to our current saying “the speed of light”.  At daybreak, the light travels quickly across the sky - almost immediately from east to west the sky is lit up.  David realizes that he could never outrun God even if he wanted.

In the next part of the verse, David talks about God being present even if he lived at the farthest parts of the ocean.  No matter where David is, he knows God will be with him.  God dwells everywhere.  There is no escaping God’s presence.

David is not upset by this, but rather he is comforted by it.  He knows God will guide him and support him everywhere and at all times. 

We should find comfort in this as well.  We should never want to be out of God’s presence, no matter the situation or the circumstance.  It is amazing to realize that God loves each of us so much that he desires to be with us all the time.

The next time you watch a sunrise and see the beams of light crossing the sky, remember this verse and know that God is in your presence.  The next time you travel far away or see the ocean, remember that God is there with you.  This should be an amazing comfort to know that our Father and Creator is always there to support us - no matter what.


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