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Psalm 139:15

Dylan T.
“You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.” --Psalm 139:15

As I have been thinking about Psalm 139 throughout the week, it has helped me to think about how God knows everything about us and how he has control over our lives. He knows about our good days and our bad days. He knows our feelings and he knows our actions. He knows our thoughts and everything we say to each other. He knows when we fail and when we succeed. He knows the moments when we are living up to his example and the moments when we don’t. 

Yet, he is always there with us. 

Even when we fail, he longs to have a personal relationship with us. To the extent that he sent his son to die a painful and intense death on the cross to forgive us of our sins. Although we are human and although we make mistakes, God’s grace is greater than those mistakes. 

God is our advocate and counselor, he and his will is greater than the problems that we face here today. So, we should go to him to seek peace and wisdom in our day-to-day lives. 

Recently, worry and anxiety have seeped into my life in certain aspects. For many different reasons, I have struggled with my desires of control and pride in different ways. Yet, verses like these remind me that God is the only one who has full control. God truly has the power to control the outcomes of each and every one’s lives. He formed us, developed us, and knows all about us. All we have to do is put our full trust in him and his will for our lives. We have to give our lives to him completely and trust that his will is better than anything that we can ever do. 

As I am writing this, the verse Romans 8:28 comes to mind, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” This verse reminds me that I am called to his purpose and not my purpose. He is constantly guiding and helping us to grow in a deeper relationship with him and helping us to understand his will for our lives. I think that this is very important during this time of fasting and intentionally making time for him. Building a personal relationship with him that allows us to grow within our faith and molding us to be more like Jesus should be the objective of not only this time of fasting but our whole lives. 

In God, we can find comfort because he knows all about us and controls everything. He has saved us from our sins and our failures, so why would we not want to consume our lives with him? Although we go through hardships all the time, God is there to comfort us and to help us through our struggles and our inadequacies. As David’s Psalm tells us, he knows all about us and he created us. He is stronger than anything that this world can throw at us, so we must rejoice in him. 


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