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LENT: 4.6

Greg Ball
A Different Church

It is better to give than receive. We know this saying well. In fact, I would guess that we have all witnessed it to be true. Are we living it out?

In 1 Corinthians 12, you have this beautiful passage where Paul is sharing that the church is made up of all different kinds of individuals with a variety of gifts. I want you to pause reading my thoughts for a moment and read 1 Corinthians 12.

In verse 3, Paul reminds us that the Holy Spirit puts us in the family of God by giving us faith to say, “Jesus is Lord,” and then he explains that the Holy Spirit gives us each a spiritual gift.

“A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” 1 Corinthians 12:7

Paul lists many of the gifts. And we must know that every one of us has a gift! No one has all the gifts! Each gift is meant to be used for the common good, not so we can brag about ourselves.

We each have gifts.

No one has all of the gifts.

And they are to be used for the common good.

Paul then describes the church as a body and reminds us that we each play a part. Do not let Satan influence you in to thinking that you are insignificant to the Church. You play a part. If you have felt insignificant read 1 Corinthians 12:27 again, and let the Holy Spirit remind you of your significance.

Paul reminds us that each one of us has a gift the church needs. All of us. We are in this together.

Sometimes we can become shortsighted, and we can get too wrapped up in our preferences of what church should look like and who should play particular roles. It can be easy for us to push our own agenda as the way the church ought to function. It is ok to have preferences, but we need to realize that God is willing to use people who do not fit into our sometimes-narrow likes and dislikes.

God has uniquely gifted you.

I have heard it said that most Christians have not discovered what their spiritual gift is. In fact, the number I have seen is 8%, no I have no way to know whether that statistic is remotely accurate or not. The truth is it does not matter the exact percentage. What matters is our we trying to discover what gift the Holy Spirit has given us and using it for the common good of the church.

You know it is possible to choose church through worship and attendance but still feel disconnected. I have to ask myself when I feel that way, Am I using the gifts God gave me? Am I just consuming and not contributing. We were made to not only consume but to contribute. Each of us. Every single one of us. And the beautiful part is that it looks different for all of us.

We must fill ourselves with the Good News of Jesus by attending worship and being together. But we must also take that Good News to others. How do we share the Good News of Jesus with others? By using our gifts!

If church was about attending on Sunday and receiving God’s grace, it would be good, but it would be incomplete. After you have experienced Jesus meeting your needs, you are now inspired to meet the needs of others. This includes those inside and outside the church.

So today and every day, encourage one another to use the unique gifts God has given to each of us as we Glorify God and share Christ with others. Let us Magnify Jesus Together!

Daily Reading: A Different Church

1 Corinthians 12


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