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LENT 3.30

Lois Finney
whispers of god

Have you ever been in the midst of trying to accomplish a task that just doesn’t seem to want

to work, or deal with an issue and ask yourself “what am I supposed to do?” Or “why can’t I

just.....“ And, then the answer just pops into your head? That happens to me a lot, and I know

people refer to that as your conscience. But I believe it is a whisper from God. He is answering

my question because He is always there beside me, within my heart and mind. That answer is

always the right thing to do and I know it! I simply love thinking about God being that close!

He hears every word I say, knows every thought that I have, and He is right there waiting to give

an answer! All I must do is ask. We just sometimes, in our busyness, forget to include Him..., or

to listen.... So, He waits, patiently, till we call on Him. We just have to listen.

God whispers many things to us, comforting things, inspiring things. He whispers “I love you.” The enemy shouts, God will never love a person like you!” But, God showed His love when we were sinners; His love is everlasting and unconditional. It is perfect love for an imperfect me.

God whispers “I forgive you.” When we carry baggage from the past, baggage that will not go away, that we beat ourselves up over, Satan is right there to deepen the guilt. Because, the psalmist reminds us, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sins from us.” He has already forgiven us, and given us the wisdom and strength to make better choices.

He whispers, “I choose you!” He reminds us in a whisper, “I’m coming back for you!” With all the busyness in our lives and the world these days, it is easy to get sidetracked into trying to solve our issues and our problems ourselves. But, what a relief and comfort to know that He is right there, close enough to whisper into your ear, to solve that problem or help you through it.

One of the mind-pictures I have always loved over the years is of the foot prints in the sand.

You know the one, where He’s walking there right beside you for a ways, and then there is only

one set of foot prints? Because that is where he picked me up and carried me through those

rough times.... simply beautiful and comforting. Such a good daddy-thing to do!

His words are whispering to us, and saying “I’ve got this,” and it comes across so clearly.

God is not surprised at what He sees and He wants us to have the same confident attitude

He has. He wants us to trust Him, even when we do not understand how we will make it through.

He soothes our anxiety, He is our safe place to cry, vent, and even scream! But we have

to shake off discouragement and remind ourselves of His promises. We must laugh at the

enemies plans, the same way the Lord does. We choose faith by finding rest and

listening to His whisper.

Daily Reading: whispers of god

John 3:16; Isaiah 1:18; John 15:16; Hebrews 13:5


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