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Directing our Path

Sarah W.

During this season of my life, God has shown me that I am on the right path in my life. I went into college as a Psychology major. Then switched my major to Human Ecology with a concentration in Child Life. It almost felt like it was instant, as soon as I switched to that major all of these doors opened up for me to work with children. I was struggling to find a job, then a friend in my small group helped me get my current job at a preschool. Soon after, my mom asked me if I wanted to go on our missions’ trip to Give Kids the World. I was then offered the opportunity to be a children’s intern at Northside. And finally I was given the opportunity to nanny two little girls.

I feel as though all of these opportunities are God’s way of telling me I am living for him and his purpose for me. He has given me all of these amazing chances to help and get to know kids as a start to my career. He has led the way for me as I have started at my own life.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. -Proverbs 3:5-6

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1 Comment

Lois Finney
Jul 13, 2023

Sarah, thank you for sharing that precious lesson of how into our lives God is!!! I love that you see His hand upon your life and how personally He guides your path! I pray we will all be good listeners when He shows us what He wants for us!! So very proud of you!!!!

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